Simple Queries
Artists in the ArtBase
SELECT DISTINCT ?artistLabel ?artistPage ?artworkLabel ?artworkPage
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5 ; # Select artworks.
rdfs:label ?artworkLabel . # Human-readable label for artwork (title).
?artworkPage schema:about ?artwork ; # Select human-readable URL for artwork.
schema:isPartOf <> .
?artwork rt:P29 ?artist. # Select artists as credited in artwork record.
?artistPage schema:about ?artist ; # Select human-readable URL for artist.
schema:isPartOf <> .
?artist rdfs:label ?artistLabel ; # Human-readable label for artist (name).
rt:P135 ?sortByName . # Sort key (for instance, last name > first name.
ORDER BY ?sortByName
Creation date of artworks grouped by year
SELECT (STR(?year) AS ?year_of_inception)
(COUNT(?year) AS ?amount_of_artworks)
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork (YEAR(?inception) AS ?year) {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5 ;
rt:P26 ?inception .
GROUP BY ?year
ORDER BY ?year
Creation date of artworks accessioned for the "Some Tumblrs" open call
SELECT ?artwork_inception ?artwork_title ?artwork_page ?image {
# Subquery to receive a single random image for each artwork (via SAMPLE)
# that was accessioned in the "Some Tumblrs" open call
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork ?artwork_inception ?artwork_title (SAMPLE(?artwork_image) AS ?image) {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5 ; # Instance of artwork.
rt:P129 r:Q15261 ; # Type of Accession has to be "Some Tumblrs Open Call".
rt:P126 ?artwork_image . # Images associated with the artwork.
GROUP BY ?artwork ?artwork_title ?artwork_inception # Group by everything except the image.
# Add more information to the artworks and images selected above:
?artwork_page schema:about ?artwork ; # Human-readable URL
schema:isPartOf <> .
?artwork rt:P26 ?artwork_inception ; # Start date of the tumblr blog (inception)
rdfs:label ?artwork_title # Human readable label of the artwork (the work's title)
Template queries
All artworks by a single artist, listing variants, variant types, and access links
SELECT ?artwork ?artworkLabel ?variant ?variantLabel ?type_of_variant ?type_of_variantLabel ?accessURL WHERE {
?artwork rt:P29 r:Q108. #You can select another artist by changing the Q ID in this line, or by picking an artist from the dropdoqn in the Query Helper.
?artwork rt:P45 ?variant. #This line selects artworks with variants.
?variant rt:P3 ?type_of_variant. #This line specifies the type of variant.
?variant rt:P46 ?accessURL. #This line provides the access link to the variant directly.
FILTER (?type_of_variant != r:Q1168) #This line filters out the parent "variant" category, leaving only specific types like "ouside link", etc.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } #This line facilitates the labeling service, which lists database item with their human-readable labels, and not just their Q IDs.
All artworks accessioned into the archive in a given year
SELECT ?artworkPage ?artworkLabel ?accession_date ?image WHERE {
{ #This sub-query selects a single image per artworks, so that you can view all artworks in an image grid.
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork (SAMPLE(?image) AS ?image) WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P126 ?image.
GROUP BY ?artwork
?artworkPage schema:about ?artwork; #This line selects the main artwork page as an access point, rather it's database record .
schema:isPartOf <>.
?artwork rt:P85 ?accession_date. #This line selects the data of accession.
FILTER((?accession_date > "2010-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?accession_date < "2010-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime)) #This is the line you can edit if you want to pick a different year, or date range to query. Use the standard format of YYYY-MM-DD.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } #This line facilitates the labeling service, which lists database item with their human-readable labels, and not just their Q IDs.
ORDER BY ?accession_date
LIMIT 1000
Data format composition of an artwork variant
SELECT DISTINCT ?variant ?artifact ?data_format_label {
VALUES ?variant { r:Q12685 } # Limit query to a single variant.
?variant rt:P139 ?artifact . # Check the variant's artifacts.
?artifact rt:P81 ?data_format . # List artifact's data formats.
?data_format rdfs:label ?data_format_label . # Human readable label for data format.
Queries which use different forms of data visualization
Artworks created per year
SELECT (STR(?year) AS ?year_label) (COUNT(?artwork) AS ?artworks) WHERE {
SELECT (YEAR(?inception) AS ?year) ?artwork WHERE {
SELECT ?inception ?artwork WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5 ;
rt:P26 ?inception .
GROUP BY ?year
ORDER BY ?year
Artworks with more than one artist
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork ?artworkLabel ?image ?artist ?artistLabel WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P29 ?artist;
rt:P126 ?image.
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork (COUNT(?artist) AS ?count) WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P29 ?artist.
GROUP BY ?artwork
FILTER (?count>1)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
LIMIT 1000
Collectives in the ArtBase with the names of their members
SELECT ?collective ?collectiveLabel ?rgb ?member ?memberLabel
?collective rt:P3 r:Q7;
rt:P43 ?member.
BIND('ffff00' as ?rgb)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Artists with more than 10 works in the archive
SELECT ?artist ?artistPage ?artistLabel ?count WHERE {
{ SELECT ?artist (COUNT(?artwork) AS ?count) WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P29 ?artist.
GROUP BY ?artist
FILTER (?count>9)
?artistPage schema:about ?artist ;
schema:isPartOf <> .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Artworks with more than two variants
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork ?artworkLabel ?variant ?variantLabel WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P45 ?variant.
SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork (COUNT(?variant) AS ?count) WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P45 ?variant.
GROUP BY ?artwork
FILTER (?count>2)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
LIMIT 1000
Artworks with web archive variant
SELECT ?artworkLabel ?URL ?image WHERE {
SELECT ?artworkLabel (SAMPLE (?image) as ?image) WHERE {
?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5;
rt:P126 ?image.
?artwork rt:P45 ?variant.
?variant rt:P3 ?varianttype.
FILTER (?varianttype = r:Q11994)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?artworkLabel
?artwork rt:P45 ?variant.
?variant rt:P3 ?varianttype.
FILTER (?varianttype = r:Q11994)
?variant rt:P46 ?URL.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
LIMIT 1000
Number of artworks per version of Flash
SELECT ?Flash_versionLabel (COUNT(?variant) AS ?count) WHERE {
?variant rt:P3 r:Q1168;
rt:P81 ?Flash_version.
VALUES ?Flash_version {r:Q4571 r:Q4599 r:Q4598 r:Q4595 r:Q4594 r:Q4597 r:Q4622}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
GROUP BY ?Flash_versionLabel
ORDER BY ?count
LIMIT 1000
Federated Queries
Artists in the ArtBase who are also listed in Wikidata
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?personLabel ?wikidata_item ?image_artbase ?image_wikidata WHERE {
?person rt:P3 r:Q6 ;
rt:P2 ?wikidata_item ;
rt:P135 ?sort_by_name .
?person rt:P126 ?image_artbase.
SERVICE wdqs: {
?wikidata_item rdfs:label ?personLabel.
?wikidata_item wdt:P18 ?image_wikidata.
FILTER((LANG(?personLabel)) = "en")
ORDER BY ?sort_by_name
Where Rhizome artists went to school
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?remote_item ?person_label ?educated_at_label WHERE {
?person rt:P3 r:Q6 ; # instance of (P3) person (Q6)
rt:P2 ?remote_item ; # exact match with external URL
rdfs:label ?person_label ;
rt:P135 ?sort_key .
FILTER ( STRSTARTS(STR(?remote_item), '') )
SERVICE wdqs: {
?remote_item wdt:P69 ?educated_at .
?educated_at rdfs:label ?educated_at_label .
FILTER (lang(?educated_at_label) = "en")
ORDER BY ?sort_key
Citizenship of artists in the ArtBase
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?remote_item ?person_label ?citizenship_label WHERE {
?person rt:P3 r:Q6 ; # instance of (P3) person (Q6)
rt:P2 ?remote_item ; # exact match with external URL
rdfs:label ?person_label ;
rt:P135 ?sort_key .
FILTER ( STRSTARTS(STR(?remote_item), '') )
SERVICE wdqs: {
?remote_item wdt:P27 ?citizenship .
?citizenship rdfs:label ?citizenship_label .
FILTER (lang(?citizenship_label) = "en")
ORDER BY ?sort_key