It’s an Internet conceptual, interactive and participative art work. Do an art market simulation based in four mecanism of speculation around the artist and its art work. The first mecanism is an stock exchange auction of artist participations, them behave like enterprises and the users can buy and sell artist shares. The second mecanism are the ranking points, each user can assign this points to the artist it prefer and make an direct influence in the shares and art work prices, the number of point depends the personality it has. The third mecanism es the buy and sell art works process produced by the artist, the art works are auctioned and buyed by the users and exposed and selled throught the galeries and museums managed by the own participants model. The fourth mecanism is the information, it has three levels: public opinion, specialized opinion and critic, each of it can influence in the shares and art work prices behavior.
The home page shows a general view of the virtual art market through general indicators in graphs (3) like: top prestige galleries, more important museums, top ranking artist, artists with more volume of sold shares and total volume of negotiated shares. In the bottom are the articles of critic and specialized opinion. And in the left column appear the more recent auctions of work and the access to the complete statistical information of the artist. This set of information tries to give a general concept of the buttons that move the art market. It fix in the participants mind of the market in a numerical form and informational form, dematerializing the work and the artist.
The first step to become a participant of the simulator is to register itself (a) (the access to the registry is in the home page(1)).Once registered the following step it is to sign in (Also in the main page(2)) In case of wanting to prove a galerist personality the data are:
password: galeria
The system when validating the data will give access to the entrance page(4). When initiating the participant has an investor personality. The simulator assigns virtual money to him for its transactions (100,000). Relative to the daily life each person needs to spend daily in food, rent, etc. To the participant a daily quota is received to him that is reduced of its money available. Important! In the pages and options will be a symbol (=>?)(5) when clicking will appear the help window.
Entrance Page
In the superior part of the screen is the participant general data status and the options menu.
The status data(6) is the following one:
1.Name: Participant name
2.Type: Personality
3.Total: Total of money with which it counts at the moment
4.Available: Total of money available with which it counts at the moment
5.Rem Days: It is the number of days that it has of life in the simulator (Remaining Days)
6.Active Days: It is the number of days that has lived in the simulator
The menu options(7) are the following ones:
1.Personality: It gives the information about the participant patrimony and it allows to change him of personality. It is possible to be changed only once: from investor to any other.
2.Ranking: It allows to assign and to deallocate the ranking points to one or several artists. These points directly affect the value of the artist shares and works.(Detail explained ahead in “Allocation of Ranking Points”)
3.Artist: This option allows to look for the artists who are in the simulator alphabetically and by artistic discipline. When giving a click in the name of the found artist can reach the detailed statistical information.
4.Global Indicators: This option takes to the screen of the virtual art market general indicators: Total volume of negotiated shares, Cash flow, Amount of negotiated work, Top prestige galleries and Top important museums.
5.Contacts: Are the participants who have known attending the exhibitions.(Detail explained ahead in “Known”)
6.Press and Critic: Are critic and press articles published in Internet and by the participants of the model with personality of Critic.
7.Specialized Opinon: Are the articles of specialized opinion, written by the participants of the model with personality of specialized opinion.
8.Exhibitions: Through this option it is possible to be attended the exhibitions that at the moment are active in the simulator. In these, work through auction can be bought and it is possible to be known other participants. Only the participants with Gallery and Museum personalities are available to organize exhibitions. Will appear to them the button to create, to publish and to erase exhibitions.
9.Publicity to buy: The exhibitions have a space to publicite other participants. This with the purpose which other participants know the buyer of the publicity without be present in the exhibition all along.
10.Auctions/Loan Neg: Through this option the proprietor of a work negotiates with other participants the conditions of auction and loan of his work.
11.My Stock Auctions: Through this option visualize the bids that other participants have proposed for the artist stock auctions. In this it is selected the bid that more agrees and the stocks pass to the buyer hands and the money paying in the account of the salesman.
12.My Art Work Auctions: This option can be viewed only by the participants with personality of Gallery and Museum. Through this option visualize the bids that other participants have proposed for the artist art works. In this option it is selected the bid that more agrees and the art work pass to the buyer hands and the money paying in the account of the salesman.
13.My Opinions: This option can be viewed only by the participants with personality of Specialized Opinion. In this option the new texts can be created by the participant and sends to a publishing filter for its publication.
14.My Critics: This option can be viewed only by the participants with personality of Critic. In this option the new texts can be created by the participant and sends to a publishing filter for its publication.
In the central part of the entrance page are the works and shares that belong to the participant and the auctions to which it has opportunity to participate(8) (Every section appear when click the word “Show” beside the phrase and disappear when click the word “Hide”(9)):
1.Goods: Are the artists works and shares who belong to the participant.
2.My active proposals: Are the active proposals of work and shares auctions made by the participant.
3.Messages and Mail: Are the messages emitted by other participants and the system.
4.System Messages: Are the warning messages of the simulator to the participant.
5.First Hand Auctions Running Now: Are the auctions of shares that leave for the first time to the market.
6.Particpants Shares Auctions Running Now: Are the auctions of shares proposed by other participants of the simulator.
7.Art Work Auctions by Invitation Running Now: Are the art work auctions by invitation of a gallery who the participant knows.
The participant submerges in the simulator defining strategies on the basis of the four mechanisms of the artist work and shares value speculation, implemented in the simulator, and in function of the personality that the participant has.
As in the reality to know other people it is very important to be successful. Therefore the simulator allows to know other participants through the exhibitions. At the start the participant don’t know anybody. It is necessary to know and to interact with other participants to be able to auction work and shares, to interchange information, to make more money. In order to know other participants, exhibitions have to attend, and is necessary to try to establish contact with other participant (This through a chat window which it appears in the exhibition page) and to pay a quota to know it. Both pay a quota. This refers to that in the real market, to meet firstly both people must agree in making contact and second an investment is necessary in: clothes, food, transport, etc. to know itself. There is an additional information of the participant that appear, who treats to compensate the prejudices that another person are when being in front of, the race, sex and sexual preference. The participant can see his listing of known participants and send messages to them through the option of menu -Contacts- (1) in the entrance page.
Allocation of Ranking Points
In the art market there are people and institutions that exert a great direct influence in the speculation of the work of an artist, so is the case of some museums, galleries, critical or collectors. The ranking points is one of the mechanisms of speculation of the model, these resemble this phenomenon that characterizes the real art market and transform it into a tool in the virtual model so the participant has the capacity of influence. The participant based on his personality and prestige is the number of points that has to his disposition, can assign them to one or several artists and to change them when ever is wished. This is made through the option -Ranking- (2) in the menu of the entrance page.
Shares Auctions Cycle
The second speculative mechanism that influences in the value of the artist work is the transaction of shares. This it is the mechanism which I propose like own of the Internet, virtual market, and in that as much the process as the work and the artist are dematerialize and become in information and numbers solely. For each artist the simulator emits a pool of shares that represent it. In this first auction all the artists have the same amount of shares to the same value. In agreement the auction is developed, the price low and raise according to the free supply and demand. The participants who buy shares can auction them at any time. The cycle of transaction of shares is the following one
Art Works Auctions Cycle
The third mechanism of speculation that is used by the participants is the artist work transaction. This it is a simulated process taken from the real market. The works are auctioned by the galleries. The proprietors of works look for a gallery to sell their works. The galleries organize exhibitions so that the potential buyers place their proposal of purchase. It is adjudged to who the proprietor considers that makes the best bid. The cycle of work auction is the following one
Information Cycle
The information is the fourth mechanism that influences in the value of the artist work and shares. The information is handled at three levels of specialization in the simulator: first it is the public information that it is written by any participant of the model, the second level is the specialized opinion that is written by the participants with personality of the same name and third it is the critic that is written by the participants with personality of critic. This last one is placed in the same section that the press. What attempt when mixing the press(information of the real market) with the critic (information of the virtual market) it is to begin to erase the line that distinguishes both worlds.
All the information is published in the options of Public opinion, Specialized opinion and Press & Critic (a) that appear in the page that details the information of each artist, in the main page and in the menu options -Press and Critic- and -Specialized Opinion- of the entrance page.