White Glove Tracking

From Rhizome Artbase
Evan Roth

White Glove Tracking is an open-source project in which internet users were asked to isolate Michael Jackson's white glove in all 10,060 frames of his nationally televised, landmark performance of Billy Jean. Users located 125,000 gloves. The source code and resulting data was shared freely for all to download, visualize, and use as an input into other digital systems.

Rhizome staff

There are 10,060 frames of video in Michael Jackson's 5 min 35 sec nationally televised landmark performance of Billy Jean. The White Glove Tracking project (W.G.T.) is an effort to isolate just the white glove from this moment in pop-culture history. Rather then write unnecessarily complex code to find the glove in every frame of the video I am asking for the assistance of 10,060 individual internet users to simply click and drag a box around the glove in one frame. In the end this data will be shared freely for all to download, visualize, and use as an input into other digital systems.

Evan Roth
3 May 2007
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Evan Roth