Sleeping pillows! Wanted!
Sleeping pillows was an interactive mobile installation involving visitors' participation. In June 1997, a truck was transformed into a writing workshop opened to the public. Visitors were asked to spend time to write a message on the theme of their future. They would evoke their projects and hopes for the year 2000.
They were given writing paper and envelopes so they could compose their notes. They could send their messages either to themselves or to somebody else of their choosing. After writing the letters, they put them in one of the five pillowcases used as postal bags. These letters were kept for 3 years, then, on 2 January 2000, they were sent to their final destination.
This is why their waiting time/sleeping time gave birth to pillowcases as places of rest, places of dreams and places of desire.
During the period of the exhibition, more than 2000 letters were written and kept.
Unfortunately, some of them were not able to reach their destination. Some others couldn't find their original senders anymore. This site is dedicated to them, as attempt to locate them all.