
From Rhizome Artbase

Based on a journey to Morocco, Mirage examines the assumptions underlying leisure travel to an "exotic" location and the resulting distortion of reality engendered by romantic expectation. Contradictory narratives exposing a web of economic, social, historical, and psychological realities are embedded in ostensibly neutral tourist photos to challenge conventional readings of vacation snapshots and explore aspects of voyeurism and escapism.

Rhizome staff

Mirage explores the dissonance between the romantic expectations of travel and the realities of place. Based on a journey to Morocco, Mirage examines the assumptions underlying leisure travel to an

Annette Weintraub
10 June 2003
Legacy descriptive tags
CEPA, Haitham Abdullah, Jacob Burckhardt, Todd Holoubek, Bill Rice, Morocco
Attribution: Annette Weintraub
Narrative, Documentary, Collaborative, allegory, nostalgia, memory, globalization, colonialism, audio, Animation, QuickTime, Javascript, Flash, Visual
Attribution: Rhizome staff
Variant History
static files
10 June 2003
Rhizome staff