Dot Matrix Synth

From Rhizome Artbase
Paul Slocum

Dot Matrix Synth is an Epson LQ-500 dot matrix printer Paul Slocum transformed into a synthesizer by programming new firmware for it. The artist explains: "The printer-synth makes sound by using the noisy dot matrix print head, and different tones are created by driving the print head at different frequencies."

Rhizome staff

The Dot Matrix Synth is a reprogrammed Epson dot matrix printer. By replacing the firmware EPROM with newly programmed software, the printer is transformed.
The user presses buttons on an interface box (plugged into the font expansion port) to activate the printer, which slowly prints ghost-like photo images. By selecting different buttons on the interface, the use controls the frequency of the printing. Printing frequencies are tuned to a musical scale so it can be operated like a musical instrument.
There is interaction between the images and music. The image dithering patterns fluctuate depending on what notes are played, and the music's volume and rhythmic patterns change depending on the pattern in the current horizontal section of the image. It is an interesting process -- watching sound waves transformed directly into image.

Paul Slocum
Variant History
static files
1 January 2003
Rhizome staff
outside link
Paul Slocum