
From Rhizome Artbase

To defragment the "Origin of the World" with the following keywords: art, baby, beef, body, flower, head, monroe, sun (words used by the viewers of the Des Frags project); then to animate the mosaic: 72 images by the power of 8 in panoramic VR.
Panomrama is an online interface comprised of images derived from "The Origin of the World (L'Origine du Monde)." Each image refers to keywords (sun, monroe, head, flower, body, meat, baby, art, zorro, war, love, bottle) submitted by participants of Drouhin's other project, "des frags" ( There are 864 (8 X 9 X 12= 864) images possible in 72 panoramas for one to fragment or break up the origin of the world into vr (Om like "l'Origine du Monde"). Users are invited to 'recompose' the panOMrama by dragging on the images...

Reynald Drouhin
13 November 2001
Legacy descriptive tags
sun, monroe, head, flower, body, beef, baby, art, L'origine du monde, Gustave Courbet, Reynald Drouhin, mosaic, vr
Attribution: Reynald Drouhin
Visual, Virtual, QuickTime, HTML, Database, Collaborative, Body, Animation
Attribution: Rhizome staff
Variant History
outside link
Reynald Drouhin
static files
13 November 2001
Rhizome staff