
From Rhizome Artbase

What about loneliness? Some people long for it, others are afraid of it.
alone / SOLITUDE / seul / loneliness , is requesting the contribution of phrases with the word 'solitude' or 'lone' or one of their derivatives.
The phrases, gathered under "vos SolitudeS", form a portrait of mass solitude which will serve as the narrative material for a series of images collected on the internet using the keywords "lone", "solitude and their derivatives.
The collection was "performed" on 17 November 2004 at the Friche Belle de Mai in Marseille, France.
The final compilation of images and text project attempts to show the Internet as "a tool to reveal 'la condition humaine'" through distanced and disinterested interaction.
Solitude shared, is solitude diminished and multiplied.

Lora McPhail [+] :: :: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 ::
Annie Abrahams
18 May 2006
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Annie Abrahams