The Handmirror, scenes from behind the mirror

From Rhizome Artbase

For "The Handmirror" ingredients like "youth, memory, nostalgia and family history" are mixed into 7 scenes. 
Maybe "The handmirror" is best described as "new media poetry". In 2001 the Handmirror got the silver prize at "art on the net"organized by the Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo

michiel Knaven
12 September 2001
Legacy descriptive tags
Nachtmusik, Eveningland, Nachtmusik6
Attribution: michiel Knaven
Narrative, Conceptual, nostalgia, netart, memory, identity, death, audio, Shockwave, HTML, Visual, Animation
Attribution: Rhizome staff
Variant History
outside link
michiel Knaven