It can be said a lot about what it means something from the place where is kept, mainly if we consider the decisions - generally unconscious - that they go beyond the simple ones fitting, to be by hand, to be practical. Just before Violated Book raising, I received as a gift another defiled book that I didn’t know where to place it. In the library, together with my other books? Or in the archive, together with catalogues and other drawings? In the library it would be how to appreciate De Kooning in "Erased De Kooning Drawing" by Robert Rauschenberg. In the archive, it would mean that the original book had left to exist… Without a formed opinion, I suggested myself to defile, to violate, a book. I took suddenly an worn-out edition, "Del ideal en el arte" by Taine, and “discussed” about a particular ideal of art. It is about a relatively common procedure in arts: take the book as a paper and drawn in it. But books don’t allow it without punishment! The search for a new object that arises from the book leached ashes became it each more painful. Books are Phoenix! and Violated Book is my confession. This artwork is more than a presentation of the violated book, with it I would like to say something like: "Turn book pages is already a violation. You are striping the book... cover, flyleaf, front matter, body! So, violate the violation and be like me. Guilt!" This work complements and it is complemented by the article “Why the artist can violate the book?”, available in Portuguese in