
From Rhizome Artbase

Alter Ego is a screen-based installation where the user interacts with what appears to be his or her own mirror image but which is, in fact, an avatar onto which the face of the user is mapped in real time. Alter Ego investigates the familiar sense of being outside of (beside) oneself, and plays with the experience of a loss of control over an aspect of the self. Using a computer to produce a semi-autonomous replica of the person sitting in front of it, Alter Ego invites individuals to question the various facets of their own identity.
Alter Ego investigates the familiar sense of being outside of (beside) oneself, and plays with the experience of a loss of control over an aspect of the self. Using a computer to produce a semi-autonomous replica of the person sitting in front of it, Alter Ego invites people to question the various facets of their own identity.