
From Rhizome Artbase

CAVE/VR, 2006
Modern capitalist society has two faces, on the one hand, as a surrealistic illusion and dream and, on the other hand, as commodity fetishism and alienation. The modern society offer sufficient fantasy to meet most needs.
Benjamin’s book ‘arcade project’ still stand because of his insight into the cultural consequences of capitalism, an insight about the now inescapable culture of consumerism. For Benjamin,The arcades and interiors are residues of a dream world
We still promenade about arcade of the city. My maze is the visual space leading the people to the surrealistic dream . New product always seduct the people and arouse a desire. Peoples are warped by desire. we can’t distinguish between true and false needs . This commodification of life becomes very Self-Repressive controlled by our need to satisfy false needs .
Society under advanced capitalism is unfree and repressive and that modern man has become intellectually and spiritually complacent through his psychological dependence on the blandishments of consumer society.
How do we “commodify” ourselves and our lives?
How can we escape this maze of desire?