
From Rhizome Artbase

Original Statement:
Dream7 is a net art piece which purposefully lingers in a state of precognition. Using icons, signs, words, sounds, and symbols Dream7 creates sense impressions that attempt to communicate with the viewer on an almost unconscious level.

Dream7's pre-cognitive pieces are not random noise. The narrative slices/trajectories and the vague pictorial objects are purposefully assembled as to evoke a sense impressionistic response. Using Jungian symbolism, tones, themes, metaphor, and characterization the site attempts to lead the viewer in certain narrative directions, and then right before the coalescence of meaning, aborts, and drops them in an in-between space that they then can fill with their own liminal reactions, circling in a vague precognitive state.

The goal in all this is to create an environment of commonality between the artist and the viewer. The belief being that in the pre-cognitive state people are more able to reach a level of true empathy. The precognitive state being the place which exists before the constructs of individual personality are raised, so in a sense it is the place were people share the most in common, and may be able to reach a level of greater core understanding. Or to put it more succinctly, in dreams we know each other.

Dream7 uses the medium of the web because on one level the web is a metaphor for the brain, and even, the collective unconscious: A networked terrain of text thoughts and bit impressions. So an art installation interested in pre-cognitive communication suits the web.