
From Rhizome Artbase

I become the absolute citizen. I become a citizen of both the physical and digital worlds, coexisting as one; I cannot hide (and I become vulnerable).
Every minute of every day since the beginning of 2007 I have continually published my exact physical location on the internet. Over 18 months this work has also been shown a gallery context at nine different exhibitions and festivals around the world.
Examining data acquired from locative devices, I have found it to inherently tell a story, though the story itself is not obvious. The abstract information is presented over a map with location pointers, devoid of detail and emotion, it’s always a record of sequential events: a story. A form of narrative that provides an audience with a means to create their own story.
The residency to develop this work generated the paper “An Ethnology of Solitude” presented at 9th International Festival for New Media Culture (Latvia). It has been printed in the At Home in Europe publication, Balsas Journal on Media Culture (Lithuania) and Migrating Reality, (Germany); with a updated version commissioned for the book “You Are Here” (Broken Dimanche Press, Germany).