
From Rhizome Artbase

Feature-length (72 minutes-long) digital animation, with composited video elements; soundtrack by Amsterdam-based electronica duo Funckarma (post-production completed 2006).
Originally screened on over a dozen channels (three synchronized, the others not) for Cultura, a Circus Maximus production in 2004, sponsored in part by the Nashville Film & Video Association. The event included live improvizational jazz performance (orchestrated by Max Abrams), performance poetry & dance. The movie was presented as projections and on monitors.
Some animation elements were created during a residency at the Morris Graves Foundation/Ink People Center for the Arts, Loleta/Eureka, CA. Others were created initially for exhibition in museums, galleries, contemporary art foundations and alternative artspaces, in conjunction with DddD/01/Art for Humans/Journeyman Project productions in Nashville, TN, 1999-2002.