
From Rhizome Artbase

‘44422435′ is an experimental electronic art release by Entter and Goto80. The C64 performance was made on the 20th of July 2007 and recorded on VHS. The session took 3 hours but is condensed into a few minutes.
With the ‘Retro Replay’ cartridge for C64 we gain full access to the RAM of the C64 to manipulate graphics and functionality. The blue screen that appears at some points is the interface of the cartridge and the lists of letters and numbers is the data in the RAM. All manipulation was made by putting random symbols into the memory or by altering the screen graphically with PETSCII.
Selected Exhibitions:
Vector Game Art festival Toronto 2014
Gamerz festival Aix en Provence 2013
A-Maze Berlin 2011
Machinima European Festival Leicester 2007
File Festival Brazil 2007