
From Rhizome Artbase

"In his 3d composite of imagined stones, Tabor Robak explores symbiotic relationships between man, machine, nature and intent. The 198 stone renderings which are compiled onto one plane, display a tension between man's imagination and the innate capabilities of his tool. The rendered stones range from absurd abstractions of other worldly precious gemstones to crude forced misrepresentations of common pebbles we've kicked down dirt roads in our cliche youths. It is this polarization between 'real' and 'fake', 'honesty' and 'fantasy' which is at the crux of the work; the shortcomings and beauty of mankind's attempt to represent the handiwork of God. "Rocks" by Tabor Robak successfully deduces what it means to be an artist and does so in an elegant style consistent to the unabashed computer software aesthetic of 2012." -Ryder Ripps