
From Rhizome Artbase

T U R N S is a community-building Web site focused on the idea of collecting and sharing the story of a turning point in one's life. The site's interface is designed as a map that may be reorganized according to multiple criteria. Stories are represented as pebble-like shapes that can be opened and returned to the narrative pool. Visitors to T U R N S can contribute their narrative and browse stories according to 12 categories, such as education, relationships, health, trauma, family, or war. The Anthology section of the site allows users to reorganize the stories through relational filters--such as ethnicity or the time at which the turning point was experienced--and to access related databases.
People may also contribute and draw a "life map," visually representing the course of their lives. T U R N S provides connections to lives lived under many circumstances and time periods. Seen through relational filters, lenses and links, one