
From Rhizome Artbase

“Everybody Hurts” is a transmedia experience. It is a website, several videos and a series of embroideries which focus on various aspects of the experience of mediated emotion through the vehicle of television stills. Each embodiment of the project is pivotal to its meaning, because it emphasizes a different context for viewing and understanding the work. For example, the video slideshows can be seen both as large projections in a fine art gallery and as Fan-Vids on the website or on You-Tube. The embroideries have one meaning when experienced virtually on the website and another when viewed as art objects in a gallery setting.
The website has a hybrid identity: part conceptual art piece, part television fan site, part archive. It gives the viewer an opportunity to become part of the work by submitting a testimonial of his/her own experiences with mediated emotion, while the embroideries, videos, and the stills gallery reference the artist's personal experience.