
From Rhizome Artbase

I've made a series of works since 1991 which use computers and photo-
based forms to explore questions of biography and the contexts which
create identity:
Two Women (1991-93)
Autobiography (1995-96)
Sea-Changes (1997)
"Animal Locomotion" is concerned with identity in a more essentialist
manner--not with biography but with what transcends particular
biographical facts, the essential ground on which the particular self is
built. I guess this is an extension of and move beyond "Sea-Changes,"
where the concern is with a shared identity.
If I am concerned with the psychic ground of identity, I am also engaged
by its opposite, the incorporation of the individual ground of identity
and subjectivity into an impersonal and objectifying cosmos. Animal
Locomotion builds on the tensions and paradoxes inherent in this