
From Rhizome Artbase

From an existing and arbitrarily chosen system H, two different registration systems RG1 and RG2 are established.
The first one is the product of the analysis of the electric flows underlying in system H, as much in power supply terms as in information transfer terms.
The second one is a video-recording of some elements that belong to system H or that could be recorded from this one.
When verifying the coincidence of some objects in both registration systems, a relational tissue is established, where the mentioned objects happen to constitute nodes with references belonging as much to RG1 as to RG2 or both.
Each node is worth for the arbitrary representation of this object in each registration system.
By this way a double representation of the original system H is obtained, which we will call N. N is composed of two hierarchical and recursive substructures (hierarchic, since both registries are established from the arborescent ramification of a specific distribution system; recursive, because R2 is originated in R1 and transforms the value of its reference, being applied with a different registry on the H system).
When becoming R1 into R2 and vice versa, each node is bivalent, depending on the kind of reference by which it is accessed.
Once a logical system of representation N exists, visualized in dMAP, a referential navigation system between the nodes is developed - dBROWSE.
To this navigation a new registration system is applied, a dynamic and nonlinear one, represented by dHISTORY.
Since system N exists in its abstract representation, it is possible to apply functions that modify, remove and overwrite the existing references inside it, without any functionality loss.
A function RHIZOMETIZE that achieve these enthropic operations has been implemented, de-hierarchising and randomly rewriting the N system into one or successive R systems.
The representation system dMAP, the recording system dHISTORY, and the mixed system dBROWSE, continue operating from, and on these new systems, thus becoming the meta-structure that defines this work, and that characterizes it at least in two points.
In the first place, by the escition between the original contents and references of the nodes and their later representation and registry in the navigation system.
On the other hand, its processual condition relativizes the obtained and experienced results, in spite of the apply of some fixed structural premises, returning therefore an unfinished paradoxical that turns it more into a WorkInProcess than into a WorkInProgress, a finite set without levels.