
From Rhizome Artbase

The Golden Age of Barcodes is part of a series of videos based on a computer program I created with the assistance of a friend in 1997. My intention is to represent not only that sex sells, but more importantly, a multi-ethnic international representation of procreation and population explosion, increased consumerism and capitalism, and the devastation of our natural resources. Over 10,000 images have been Barcoded by this program thus far. The original concept has evolved since I began barcoding paintings, photos and found object works in 1991. These works have been shown throughout the world beginning with gallery shows in 1991 through current, and a variety are included in my videos, "In One Second"(1996) and "The Pipeline Project"(2003-2004) and in the installation and net project, The House That George Built. The barcode is the most recognized symbol in the world, now in it's 30th year. The representation of Barcoding, replicating, cloning and manufacturing all that exists, symbolically, literally and conceptually is to symbolize the manufacture and consumerism of all products, but also to include the commercialization of our natural world, our earth, our spiritualities, our bodies, emotions and Barcode everything, to clone everything across all spectrums. This is a series and project in-progress...