
From Rhizome Artbase

Universal Field Theory of Disappointment and Immediacy
Cartesian coordinates are the most pervasive means to organize existence both conceptually and actually. Graphs can present a unified field of understanding by joining thought and feeling along sets of indisputable axis. They are both the rationalization and visualization of things that resist measurement. Placed in a mathematical relation to dependent conditions or impulses, the elusive elements of our psyche and the culture of anxiety become manageable and predictable. They are manifest when put into a specific relation with each other. A mathematical function or formula is a comfort function. The formula represents the security of interpolating the past and predicting the future based on current data. When you locate your position on the graph, you are finding where you are at point in time and with the curve or trajectory of the graph; you can predict your future. Conversely, if you work back along the curve of a graph, you have access to a past that is now closed. The graphs present a picture of unification and a veritable home for anxiety.
Graphs are about ideas rendered in a precise language. These are the cold truths. Graphs point to the place where resolution is just beyond the mind. In spite of its manifestation, resolution is just beyond the points on the graph.
To graph something is a tribute to powerful methods. In computer programming, a method is a function or piece of code. To understand the world mathematically is a method with verifiable powers, which gives one control over the world. The Gnostic Christians believed the world was a mistake and that Jesus was sent to rationalize the world. Salvation was making sense of the world by bringing rationality to bear. When things fall apart we either embrace the dissipation like an orgy of chaos or search for a schema that will organize the mess and the horror.
This web piece allows users to have a measure of control in generating their own graphs, and then receive absolution for their efforts.