
From Rhizome Artbase

Encryption methods available on the internet vary - many are 'one way' meaning that after a string has been encoded, it cant be decoded back to its original state. This process results in the string being converted into a seemingly random series of characters which is, in fact, unique. Videogrid drew inspiration from this and applied the same idea to video. The user can type a word on the keyboard which is converted into events on a timeline and upon playback, each event triggers a certain piece of film. The theory being that the same four letter word will always produce an abstract, but unique, video sequence. This has now been expanded further so video clips can be swapped around and speeded up at will, breaking away from the original encryption idea and turning it into an online video sequencer controlled by words. Users get the chance to save their work onto the web for all to see, thereby opening up the opportunity to 'remix' other peoples sequences.
Requirements: Flash Player 6 (v7 performs better) and fast net connection would be useful!