
From Rhizome Artbase

My mind lives in my body;
my body lives in this world.
My mind exceeds my body;
my body exceeds its skin.
I structure the world via my body's experiences.
My body is structured by the world systems.
Body/World = Real/Virtual.
K'muni is a city within a megastructural system.
Each K'munian lives in his very own cube. Inside the cube-structure is an "enveloped" world; outside the cube-structure is an invisible reality that no single person can never fully comprehend. K'munians only care about the world they can see and occupy. The world outside their cube-structures is non-existent to them. Although they all live in identical cube-structures and use the products which have millions of identical copies, K'munians create unique environments for their living spaces by their diverse desires.
Everyone uses the same systems for transportation, communication, working and living within K'muni. By connecting their cube-structures with other cubes mechanically or by creating a virtual connection with other cubes, they can move both physically and virtually. K'munians cannot live without their cube-structures-they become components of the megastructure. They lead active lives until they die. New citizens will be born while the system is still running.