
From Rhizome Artbase

47REDS is a Flash based acoutstic and visual elegy on the erotic sublimity of the virtual urban ruin.
The technology of the netbased self is imagined as cyborg: her memory stretches and slips, sets and resets elastically through a neuro-sensual landscape, inside a world city whose eyes, ropes, snows, shifts, and smashes are transpersonal portals of repression and desire. Transpositions of sound slipstream towards entropy, then catch themselves and call out in layered voices. The texts casually appeal, not only to the free play of memory and its obliteration, but also to its irrepressible revival like the phoenix in ashes, hence the 'reds' of the title. 47 is a prime number, interactive panoranas trigger themselves like elastic membranes, the rediant skin of a net-Aphrodite whose movements and gestures are subliminally felt but remain offscreen.
Text fragments are extracts from Ilao Calvino's "Invisible Cities," in English translation. Electroacoustical music fragments are composed, performed and mixed by Christina McPhee (2001) from suites redrush/smash/undermax. Background images are from the Smash Lounge suite of digital transparent prints by Christina McPhee for live digital performance installation in 2001-2003.
Technical requirements: Flash Player 5, optimized for Internet Explorer 5.
is archived also at, automne 2002, curated by Ollivier Dyens; and at, for the fall 2002 issue, WIRED RUINS: Digital Terror and Ethnic Paranoia, curated by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker and Tim Murray of CTHEORY and Cornell University.
47REDS was created in the winter of 2000-2001 as part of an exploration of trauma, landscape, violence and memory that has become the project naxsmash ( NAXSmash refers to nascence/negation and to iconoclasm/iconophilia. 47REDS is also the beginning of the exploration of the cyborg as a live entity whose speech, brain and expression are imagined as the poetics of the net itself. (see and Heartfelt thanks to rhizome for including 47REDS. --Christina