
From Rhizome Artbase

An interactive journey through a 3d textual landscape employing the metaphor of the london underground as the basis for navigation. Just as heathrow, piccadilly circus, leicester square, russell square and manor house tube stations have their own character, so to do the cyberpoems that can be found there. These poems seem to match the character of the locations in which they reside. The places and people are represented as 3d text objects having colour, weight, depth and motion/actions. These poems can not be read by a single system of semiosis but rather require a mixture of interpretation systems. The sound, the look, and the action of words all play a part in telling the story.
in 1998 i travelled to london to be writer in residence at artec a multimedia training and resource centre in islington where i authored a cd-rom, 'cyberpoetry underground', in director for mac.
in 2001 the 'cyberpoetry underground' cd-rom was runner-up in the Electronic Literature Organisation's Award in poetry.

in 2005 i launched 'underground', which contains partially re-purposed material for the web, that until the introduction of broadband internet and improved compression technologies was not possible. i have added new work from the past five years that is multilinear and encourages end-user input.