
From Rhizome Artbase

mikroPaliskunta is a series of interdisciplinary expeditions exploring nation(alism) and eco-social changes in the society, but is basically defined by the people or artists taking part of the travels. Reindeer carries the symbol value that all the participants relate to. It is a over-used mascot of tourism, symbol of nation, mythic totem and an important production animal to reindeer herders. It is also an grotesque interface to meet people on the expeditions.
mikroPaliskunta raises questions about national identity, nationalism, structural change, environmental issues, urbanization with critical, humorist tone, but avoids judging. The project examines creativity mostly outside museums and gallery spaces. Important medium is time and location, here there and now. The findings are spread across virtual space. The website acts as a collection point of all these materials and microdocumentaries.