
From Rhizome Artbase

Any Wall
This piece speculates on a possible replacement for Sol LeWitt's draftsperson
with a web application for his wall drawings, a simple experiment in viewer
directed art.
This is a parody of the original concept of the wall drawing.
This is not a wall drawing.
This is not art by Sol LeWitt.
You are not Sol LeWitt if you choose to execute this.
This JAVA applet is not Sol LeWitt.
You are the artist.
Imagine an additional button that could send you a printed copy of the drawing
you generated, size and payment to be determined.
Imagine if such a web page could drive a real-time display the size of an
actual wall or room. Changes to the wall could be presented from all over
the world at some time interval. A send button would be added to queue the
next arrangement.
Or imagine if the wall is covered with a future version of digital vinyl or
digital ink technology turned into a digital paint.


Is Sol LeWitt's "machine for art" now complete?